Monday, March 31, 2014

Muscles, flutes and drums

In January my husband asked if I was gonna be available on March 26th. He wouldn't tell me what for. I kept that day free for him. So, it finally came and we went to Helsinki. We ate at San Pedro's, visited a bookstore (I didn't buy anything, gasp) and then he took me to the Savoy theater. o_O

The thing is, we don't go to theaters. So I was very puzzled. We entered, and I saw some kanji. 鼓童? Huh? :D He kept teasing me with silence, but eventually I got it. We're going to see Kodō, the taiko group!

Kodō One Earth Tour: Legend

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Katya Draws: Old Fan Art

  I was a baby when I drew these. Well, in high school. I bet I didn't even know this term yet, fan art. :D It was fun to rediscover my old doodles. Somehow I'm not surprised they're all in gothic monochrome though. :D

The Lord Of The Rings

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pirozhok's many names

I came across this site the other day. It allows you to search for different versions of your name, if there are any. So of course I checked Pirozhok's name, but...

"The name Pirozhok was not found. Names that sound similar to Pirozhok:
PARASKEVA f Macedonian
PARASKEVAS m Greek, Late Greek
PARASKEVE f Greek, Late Greek
PIROSKA f Hungarian
PORSCHE f English (Modern)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Library ♥

Today I finally got my own library card ^.^ One can bug her husband for more books only for so long. Now I can go to any library of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen and go wild on my own. :D

Сегодня я наконец-то сделала себе библиотечную карточку. ^.^ Не мучить же мужа с «ну принеси мне ещё книжечек» целую вечность. Теперь я могу пойти в любую библиотеку Хельсинки, Эспоо, Вантаа и Кауниайнена и нахватать книг, да побольше! :D

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy Women's Day! [Metal Version]

These badass rock and metal ladies are wishing you Happy Women's Day! ☆ \m/
Stay strong, girls!

☆ С 8 марта вас поздравляют эти крутые рок- и металл-дамы! ☆ \m/
Девчонки, оставайтесь сильными!

The Gathering – On Most Surfaces (Inuit)

Madder Mortem – Rust Cleansing

Pirozhok's guests. Гости Пирожка

  When my father and his wife Larisa visited us in winter, Pirozhok got his own guests as well. Larisa always travels with a cute little bear, and Pirozhok got introduced to him.
  Когда к нам зимой приехали папа и его жена Лариса, Пирожок тоже получил себе гостей. Лариса всегда путешествует с симпатичным медвежонком, так что Пирожок познакомился с ним.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ice cream and jam. Варенье с мороженым

What can be better than vegan ice cream? Vegan ice cream with homemade blackcurrant jam! My father-in-law supplied us with this yummy jam ^.^

Что может быть лучше веганской мороженки? Только мороженое с домашним чёрносмородиновым вареньем! Мой свёкор сварил нам эту вкуснятину ^.^

February Reading

Stuff I read in February:

Terry PratchettGuards! Guards!
Алексей Толстой «Аэлита» 
N.K. JemisinThe Hundred Thousand Kingdoms
Arthur Conan Doyle The Sign of the Four
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